Saturday, November 12, 2016

The good, the GREAT and the UGLY: calling for prayers....

He runs up to me and wants me to pick him up and give him big hugs! It melts me. He is turning from seeing me as a caregiver to his mama :-)

This is Sally Koch's granddaughter. These 2 are precious children God loves and blessed both families through adoption

The good: What a week. Monday was rough and ever since then it is like the prayers, the love, the meal train foods, the wonderful thoughts have poured in and covered this family because it has been going so well!!! THANK YALL! I SHARE FROM A DEEP PLACE OF APPRECIATION!!! !PRAYERS ARE SO POWERFUL. Isaiah wakes up only once in the night and goes right back down to sleep. He has learned to climb out of the crib, not good, but he is such a sweet boy that right when I put him down he feels secure and goes right back to sleep until the morning. I usually will sleep the second half of the night in the bed next to his crib and he feels safe and secure. This morning he woke up playing in his crib, smiling,and then greeted me with a hello and a wave when I came in. It was precious. Then we went and got Lane out of her crib and they talked to each other through the railings in baby babble and with smiles. This was a first, I love seeing the two warm up. They are a bit territorial and learning to share toys, mom, and food in the process of this all. I feel like I have twins almost, I mediate between the two often throughout the day but I can sense it in my heart they will be so so so close. This morning at breakfast we were all sitting around and I had this moment I saw it, months ahead down the road when everything has finally meshed and feels normal…ahhhh…can we get there now GOD? Ok Ok I know patience I am learning BE STILL…..but when we do get there it will be such a fun, happy, & laughing group. I can’t wait to get there!!! Until then I take a day at a time and I am learning patience to the extreme: ONE.DAY.AT.A.TIME! I feel like I need a sticker made to remind me each morning when I look in the mirror! 

The great: Last night was fun. I wanted a fire, it just feels so peaceful and serene, anything these days for a moment of serenity. So Ryan made one and Isaiah loved watching it. It was his first. We also put him in footy pjs and it was hilarious to watch him love to slide around. He was so funny last night, he did all kinds of things that let us see that adorable personality slowly come out. HE HAS A LOT OF IT!!! He was dancing and he loves music! He laughed, played jokes, slid around in his pjs, blew bubbles in the bath tub and laughed hysterically, ate up his jambalaya and he LOVES peas (and also loves to feed Dude our dog who is already pushing the weight), and we just had fun. These moments are SOO OSOOOOO SOO valuable in the process of making abnormal feel so normal. I see now, in anything from healing to adapting to change, it is part of the process of letting our amazing Heavenly Father use each of these blessings/moments He gives used to knit the hearts together and slowly paint the bigger picture of what is in the works. I feel them in my heart, little movements that make me see and understand this process deeply, heart flutters almost. This is a hard but rewarding adventure, it truly is a daily trust-filled walk and a GOD THING. I HAVE NEVER had to depend so deeply on God for progress. I prayed for change, I prayed to be used more by Him, I prayed for Him to enlarge my territory for greater purposes…I had no clue what was about to happen and I see now – HE IS USING THIS BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED ADOPTION PROCESS TO change me and Ryan from the inside out….so many ways. I get it, God doesn’t create adversity and He doesn’t allow anything to happen in our lives that cannot bring us closer to Him and grow us for His greater purposes. Gosh easier said than done but how true it is. And a blind walk being guided by His hand is even harder. 

We have been blessed beyond measure with all the things from in China to our trip home and settling here. I can’t even begin to list them all….trust me…your prayers have truly brought us blessings poured out and running over (Ephesians 3:20). I have heard, read, and listened to many stories that are far from the same. I am humbled and do NOT take for granted one single blessing in this process. I can’t thank you enough. I can’t. I mean words can’t even tell you….

The ugly: Calling all prayer warriors : So Isaiah has a special need as I have said before, China is special needs adoptions only. They range from  just a pair of glasses to extreme cases. We met many parents in China who felt called for various needs, it was amazing to see their hearts. Every child is precious and every child desires a place they can call home, even in the rough transition of them leaving everything they have ever known. Isaiah having a mother and father is such a gift, he will also have cheerleaders, supporters, encouragers, and those who love him through the good, the bad and the ugly. 
Our sweet boy has a rare stomach medical issue that is hurting him, resulting in a very bad diaper rash right now. He has taken on a lot with the changes in home, foods, and schedules. It is a lot. The orphanage doesn’t tell you a whole lot about schedule, foods, and more. We did get some basic info but it is us trying to figure it out and hoping doctors can help. We went to the doctor yesterday and it is hard when you adopt because often times there are needs that require a specialist, he has one who is amazing and we have begun talking to in Columbus, OH. It can take months to get in. Isaiah is still yet so happy, despite the discomfort he has daily right now. I am praying this diaper rash goes away. I am praying deeply even more that we get in to that doctor in Columbus sooner rather than later, I am praying God’s will be done but as I have seen, HE HAS OPENED so many doors I could not have done myself. 

He loves music & loves to dance

So I write this blog asking you, all prayer warriors, to join in once again with me…for healing for Isaiah so he can get rest, comfort, and ease…and for wisdom over the doctors we are working with and even more…for miracles to open before us with the doctor/hospital in Columbus. As I have promised, I will keep sharing with you all so you can see the FRUIT AND BLESSINGS your prayers bring to this sweet boy and that this family gets to be a part of. Pray for this mama too…I have been uplifted, broken down, but then much more encouraged by many of you through the acts of kindness and the prayers. The food has been music to Ryan’s stomach! LOL. Keep praying for Ryan too, it is a lot to try to jump back into work, trying to bond and share time with 3 kids, he needs prayers and encouragement so send away to him!!! I am so blessed to call him my hubby!!!! Thank you. This story has been eventful and sure it is hard to jump into a travel back from China, a medical need I am trying to figure out that requires a lot of my attention to ensure his comfort, but most all and more so it hurts a mama’s heart when you see your children cry. His tears in diaper changes all day and sometimes in the night often bring me to my knees begging God give me the strength, wisdom and ability to carry through. And always, I get these precious moments of this happy baby, my children playing together, and I am quickly reminded…HE IS WITH ME (Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear for I am with you, do not be discouraged FOR I AM YOUR GOD…). Isaiah will be ok. He will. Calling all prayer warriors to open those doors of healing, doctors, and whatever his needs are. This child is going to CONTINUE thriving. xoxo

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