Sunday, November 6, 2016

Home sweet home and more....

Loves breakfast time!

Lanes birthday cake 

Sweetest big brother

Staring out the breakfast window in his new booster seat

cake anyone?
So this morning while sipping coffee I began to think all these things…and decided to share. Seeing my 3 children play together these last couple days makes my heart full. We have been truly struggling with jet lag, but already just after 2 days, we are seeing SUCCESS IN SLEEP! They all slept in today until 6-6:30am!!!! YAY!!!! No waking at 12am, 3am, 5am! 

A few things I want to share that have made me smile and are showing transitions AND ALL THE PRAYERS FOR US are being answered because Isaiah is taking to….and settling well.

  • He loves his house. He is happy in it. Slept great in his room and loves his bed. Has sound machine and he is settling in well.
  • Loves the playroom and playing with toys. Just discovered what a swing was and loves it. Doesn’t understand not to walk in front of it yet, but working on it. 
  • Lane was crying yesterday and Isaiah reached to hug her. Talk about melt my heart.
  • Caden loves having all these kids. He wakes up and wants to wake up everyone to play with him! HELP!
  • Seeing the kids all play peek a boo together, Isaiah learned “boo” and loves it…seeing them play settles my anxious heart these days. 
  • He loves sitting in a booster chair and eating. At the orphanage the caregivers sat them on their lap as they fed them. He likes the chair, was so happy this AM at breakfast. Loves food. Loves life.
  • He likes people. We have laid low and prob will continue to do so for a week or so…but he is very social. We went to the park and he loved it. I strolled all 3 over there. Yep. I did it!!!! Mischa and her 3 girls dropped some groceries by last night and saw him and he flirted, laughed, and smiled at the girls. Loved them. He truly loves flirting which is hilarious. 
  • He is almost 2 (Nov 10) and he babbles but he babbles in these Chinese sorta words is cute and funny.
  • We did birthday cake for Lane and Caden, Isaiah doesnt like sweets! 
  • Isaiah LOVES MUSIC! It makes him dance and smile
  • He learns SO QUICKLY and is so smart. You tell him a word and he repeats it. You teach him something and he learns it. 
  • HE IS HAPPY. We prayed for him from when he was born to the day we got him. You can see the favor poured. I understand he was in an orphanage, but I see such favor in so many ways. Even the way he has attached to BOTH RYAN AND I. He favors me still but the fact he lets Ryan hold, carry, stroll, feed, and interact with him is huge. That is NOT common. He takes to all quickly too. Sometimes they can be very reserved and standoffish upon leaving the orphanage as we were prepared, but he has not showed any signs of that over the last 2.5 weeks. Very outgoing, very happy…. 
  • PLEASE DO KEEP PRAYING for us as parents to muster the strength required for this daily walk, to have wisdom going forward with all the kids and Isaiah etc. We will soon arrange doctors appointments as it is required to get medical checked up post China, from OUR DOCTORS and pray for all of these things. Pray for peace, favor, continued security and bonding. YALL HAVE BEEN SO GOOD TO US. The 2 flights were TOTALLY BLESSED by prayers, they SLEPT ON THEM BOTH!!!!! It was smooth. I can’t even get over it. And even the jet lag has only taken 2 days of recovery versus 4+!!!! AMEN TO THAT!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I will keep you posted….thank you for covering our family in prayers. It means the WORLD TO US!!!!! 
Answered prayers they slept the whole 12 hours pretty much!

New sibling love...God is working in the hearts of us all

Loves the swing! Caden playing with him here

Here is something I also wanted to share…. that may answer some of those questions who may in fact have seen our journey and pondered adoption or maybe just related to something in it. I hope it helps or encourages wherever you are. Our journeys with children biological or adoption are all obviously designed differently, with many things that we can relate but also many thing that are different. My experiences and opinions can be totally different from another's. So this is only sharing from my perspective so take what you will. Much XO

Pre adoption:

  • It requires 100% commitment: Unlike biological where it unfolded for me month by month, this journey took preparation, time, patience, effort, determination and most of all faith. Many people have been set back for reasons they think that perhaps make it impossible, nothing is impossible (Mark 9:23). And I look back seeing how fast it flew by and what favor we had over all of those tasks…the work and effort are like the labor pains and build the appreciation for the blessing that waits ahead.
  • If you have the desire in your heart, then explore it : God creates people with the desire to adopt. His heart is big for orphans and widows as it is said. He loves children. I found as I began to explore, read, pray, and ask questions the doors begin to open and the plan began to unfold step by step. The right people were placed in my path, the knowledge, etc. If it isn’t those doors will shut, and praying for a content heart is critical.
  • Get in agreement with your spouse: I had to wait patiently while Ryan’s heart to be perfectly prepared (this is often required I have noticed). God moves hearts when we faithfully pray but this takes time, respect, patience and willingness to grow personally. I have realized that whatever the obstacle or task or goal was in front of us, it required to be in agreement with each other. In the past when I have wanted something, I understood to press ahead despite any obstacles (causing problems). Now more than ever, I understand the value, importance and even the dangers of pushing ahead without the consent, agreement, and team work of coming together. When one person isn’t on the same page it means two things to me: 1) patience because it is not the right time, to keep praying and waiting faithfully to see what His will is 2) perhaps it is not the best idea, despite my thinking it is so…and this is a closed door
  • Pray, ask, seek, and explore questions in finding the agency that best fits your personality : it is wise to ask around different peoples experiences with domestic or international. Ask them what they liked, didn’t like, and what they suggest. Absorb as much as you can, then make a decision that is best for you. These people will be on your journey beginning to end, once you sign a contract you need to be comfortable and happy as they are part of the journey. Don’t rush, take your time here.
  • Talk to your spouse in depth on domestic or international and which country: this is important even if your spouse doesn’t act like he has a preference. Explore, meet with other couples and ask questions, do your homework before you decide. These are important decisions because they all carry very different experiences, requirements, timelines, and travel details. The ages also carry a variety of experiences. Spouses will often guide each other here not even knowing it. 
  • Have an open mind: I realize that God picked Isaiah for us. I realize now, going in, we knew a lot and we didn’t know a lot, and that’s ok. While it has been emotionally full, it has been a dive in head first (no different from when we brought Caden home and had to learn it all as we went) No amount of books prepare you. It is an experience that brings challenges and joy. It is something that brings hard days, some tears, more joy, and most of all an overflow of miracles and faith and peace that ONLY GOD can do. Ryan and I have truly experienced a closeness in our marriage that has glued us together in the deepest way possible, my heart is full typing that. It has also brought a daily dependency to pray deep for each of our kids and ourselves and to never take the day for granted. We see how easy we had it before and now we see that our faith has been tested to be refined. This is part of slowly preparing for the bigger things we have both been seeking. Life is full of surprises, growth, tragedies, triumphs, victories, and walks that help us ultimately find our GOD DESIGNED purpose. Isaiah is that for us! Isaiah is the true walk of faith for us…we are excited because behind that precious squinty smiling face…there lies a gift God is waiting to unveil. Seeing my 3 children play together, seeing Isaiah reach to hug lane yesterday when she was crying, seeing them play peek a boo…all settles my anxious heart. Life is complex and good….perspective is everything….Faith is the tool we use as we get to each mile marker on this long race….I am humbled, blessed, and full of determination to pursue this race! Here we go!
  • Remember God doesn’t call us to easy he calls us to stay faithful: No matter what season I am in, no matter what journey he has me traveling, no matter is set before me, HE IS REQUIRING me to learn to be still and to seek Him (peace) not the absence of the problem. SO SO SO HARD. But it is the key to leading a successful life in my eyes. So I am learning to be patient, to trust, and to know ALWAYS that God is at the helm even when I can’t see all the details. 
  • Be prepared to see and experience MIRACLES: In adoption it is crazy HOW GOD SHOWS UP in so many ways. Me and Ryan have been left speechless a few times. IT JUST HAPPENS!
  • My new motto for life: Life is complex and good all in one….but perspective is everything….AND faith is the tool I use at each mile marker on this long race….I am humbled, blessed, and full of determination to pursue! 

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