Sunday, September 11, 2016

"Worship".....God's love language!


  1. 1.
    the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
    "the worship of God"
    synonyms:reverencevenerationadoration, glorification, gloryexaltationMore

  1. 1.
    show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites.
  2. synonyms:reverereverencevenerate, pay homage to, honoradorepraise, pray to, glorify,exaltextol

This is one of my favorite topics. To me, worship is a place where nothing else matters but that moment of being with Him. How grateful I am. It truly means something different things to every individual when you ask. Worship may have a base application but it is almost personalized to each person in their relationship with God.

Many ask what is worship? Here is what you may get...

1) A praise and worship service at church

2) Spending time honoring God with my mouth

3) Getting on my knees and honoring the almighty Heavenly Father

4) Singing or belting out worship songs in my home, car, church, or in any place

5) Going to the house of God on Sunday is worship

SO what does worship mean to me?

I share my perspective on worship and what God has laid on my heart because I boldly believe worship is HIS love language. As we desired to be loved a certain way, this is His true desire for how an earthly individual can effectively express their love to Him. He favors when honor is given to Him expressively. Worship is the adoration and recognition of who He is, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

1 Timothy 6:15 At just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords.

One may say, well how do you worship like that? So from my personal experience here is how I began to conform my own heart to yearn for daily worship:

  •  I started in my own quiet time, a morning time each day where I made a commitment to dedicate at least 15-45 minutes. This can range but I strive for a dedicated time block always given to Him. I believe that the more time I spend, the more intimacy is developed. I see it no differently than the time invested in getting to know a friend. I aim for the morning, because it paves the way for my day. It generates perspective, wisdom, peace and spirit-filled opportunities when I start it with Him. As with any mom, this sometimes gets bumped by life’s demands with my children.
  • My quiet time with Him is a daily time that I take my devotion, prayer, worship, study, and a quiet stillness in His presence. I open with prayer that He will reveal what He wishes to teach me for that day. Then I start off by finding/playing a song or two that is a worship song I really like. Music moves people emotionally so I challenge you to find a song you really like that opens your heart!
  • God loves praise and worship, David, was a man after God’s heart who sang the Psalms with a full of heart of worship and praise.
  • In and after my music I just adore who God is...God pours His Spirit over those who desire His presence. Begin with a song, let it lead to prayer, then follow by just honoring who God is: ”I honor you Lord, I love you Lord, I praise you and lift your name over my home and my family. You are the God and the creator of all heavens and earth how humbled I am to be able to know you personally..."

We all know prayer is powerful. Jesus displays throughout scripture the importance of this in His time with God. I do believe Jesus also sat in perfect stillness when receiving from God the Father. If we look closely, praying is speaking, seeking, and asking. If we pray without listening then How will we hear from God? I have to be willing to listen. It is the still small voice, the instinctual gut....the Holy Spirit who will lead and speak in this time. How often do I sit still? Well...I timed myself once and realized, 'wow I am rushed because 2 minutes felt like 10!' God is not a God of rush. He will not be rushed. He should not be rushed because of His place of Honor.

  • Be still and listen for Him -- 1 Kings 19:12 And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.
  •  Just adore Him for all He is and does -- I love how beautiful it is in learning the secret of just worshipping and adoring Him each day. When my son tells me he loves me and that he thinks I am wonderful, my heart truly skips a beat. I can only imagine Our heavenly Father is no different. I bet He glows in adornment over hearts’ who honor Him, praise Him and just worship who He is. So I strive to express my heart to God daily.

Summary.....I truly believe that if all we did was worship Him daily, it would be more than enough for Him. Worshipping God is what we are designed to do.  The Old Testament shows time and time again, that God called the Israelites to repent, recognize Him, and honor Him. He designed us with a void that can only be filled by Him. He lovingly gave us free will to decide what we choose to fill that void with. If we will dedicate our hearts to worshipping (loving) Him daily: we will naturally gravitate to the other things such as service, loving your neighbor, honesty, giving, etc….…and our walks will begin (or continue) to produce the fruit of the spirit; love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

Challenge: Add something new to your quiet time that can help you go deeper. Begin each day with this new intimacy challenge and watch God go at work in your heart!

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